El Blog de King Kong Inmobiliaria

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The urbanization of Los Cerros (Madrid) begins: 14,000 homes and an investment of 3,000 million.

This development in the southeast of the capital will have the largest area of ​​green areas in Madrid, with a total of 170 hectares.

The urbanization works of Los Cerros officially begin, one of the largest urban developments in the southeast of Madrid.

The mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez-Almeida; the deputy mayor, Begoña Villacís; and the president of the Compensation Board of Los Cerros, Alejandro Fernández Díaz de Lope Díaz, have presented this October 3 the act of laying the first stone.

The area will be built in the Madrid district of Vicálvaro.

Posted by: Idealista News

Go to the news: https://www.idealista.com/news/inmobiliario/vivienda/2022/10/03/799426-arranca-la-urbanizacion-de-los-cerros-en-madrid-con-14-000-viviendas-y-mas-de-3-000